Thursday, January 1, 2009

My word for the new year is...


I like it. It seems like a kind, reassuring... yet, responsible... word.
Quite frankly, I don't think I've ever really used that word too much in the past. I'm not even sure how/why it popped up.

But, it has and I like it!

I will think of this word before diving into any arena, be it about food/diet; finances; work; family; friends; relationships; choosing how I react to a situation or feeling.

Thinking this word as often as I can will greatly assist me in being the kind of person I would like to be. Well, actually am... but with the walls beginning to lower.

Wishing a beautiful, peaceful and mindful 2009 to all!

1 comment:

Daria said...

I love that word and sentiment - very Buddhist and very Dan Millman. I love how monks chew each bite something like 100 times so they think about (and digest) each bite.