Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Testing... 1... 2... Testing!

Hello? Is this thing on?

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself.

My name is Kathy. ("Hi Kathy!")

However, I've somehow managed to end up with quite a few nick-names:
  • Kat
  • Katrina
  • Katrinc-a
  • Katrinc
  • Kasha
  • Kashka
  • Kaye Ellis
  • Lady K
  • Shocka la Teapot (which has nick names, too: Shockala; Shocks; and Shocka Kahn!)
  • The Muffin Mistress
  • Herman (my dad had an interesting sense of humor!).
Normally on-line I go by Shockala, but here... just call me Kat.
I'm just in that kind of mood!
So, I've been wanting to close my MySpace account but wanted to still have a place to blog (if/when needed!) and didn't want to lose my blogs.
Since a few people I know have come on over to Blogger, I thought I'd give it a go!
I don't blog consistently. I'd love to, but y'all know that excuse called "I just don't have enough time"!
That's me.
Well, at least right now. At this moment.
I look forward to getting back into blogging once I'm settled in my new apartment.
It's been a pleasure and I hope to see you again... soon! :-)
PS - We have a new President Elect this morning!