Sunday, September 26, 2010


Ahhhh, "Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon"!

Pure bliss!

Well, if you can put all of your "to do" items out of your head. Even for just an hour or two! And, isn't it funny (... this feeling in-siii-iiiide...) how the more you try to put things out of your mind, the more little, "oh, yeah... I need to do that to"s pop in to say hello?


Truth is, I KNOW how to avoid this dilema!

Planning! (my most unfavorite favorite quote is, "Failing to plan is planning to fail!")

And, one of the most simple and valuable tools for planning are LISTS!!!

I come from a family of list-makers. I used to have lists for everything myself! And stuff got done! I wonder where/when/why I stopped?

I am on vacation for two weeks. I was going to go away, but there is soooo much to get done at home. The stuff where you think, "Oh, this is going to be such a big project. I'm going to need a lot of time!"

Well, now I've got it!

I woke up this morning and decided I will make a list. Now, don't laugh (if you know me pretty well, you'll just think this par for the course)... I have put "Make Lists" on my preliminary list!


When I think of lists, the first image that comes to mind is a long, yellow legal pad and my mother's perfect Catholic-school taught handwriting. Mom had lists and would put a line through the item/task when it was completed. I've gotta admit... when you actually SEE what you had set out to do and what you've actually accomplished, those lines make you feel good! Empowered! Even if you don't complete everything, you actually SEE you have done something! Another list style I loved of my mom's was her Christmas card listing system. She had this wooden box that held 3 X 5 index cards. Each index card would have the name and address of someone (and any other family members) and in the left margin there were 2 columns... S (for "sent") and R (for "received"); and each line, going down would be the year (ie - 73; 74; 75...).

God... I LOVE organization!!!!!!!!!! :)

This is where me NOT having lists has been a detriment to myself. Without seeing there are 40 tasks and I've completed 29 of them, I feel as if I haven't completed ANY! Why? Once something is done/dealt with, it's out of my head. (*** okay, okay, okay! Not really a truthful statement in the life of Shocks, but when it comes to CHORES it applies!).

So, out with the legal pads!

One of the things I "listed" was to blog something every day of my vacation. They may not be long. They may not make sense. They may not be read or commented on by anyone else. But, I want to get back into the habit of writing. At least a little every day.

Oh, and there is to be a "song of the day" as well! Today's is Queen's "Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon". (Earlier today, before this whole "LISTS" idea came to mind, the song(s) were George Michael's "I Want Your Sex" and "Freedom"!)

Ciao for now!


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